In the days when I had an IKEv2 implementation, NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN was the 
go-to error code for everything the Responder didn’t like; wrong algorithms, 
wrong transforms (like transport instead of tunnel), unknown peer, 

INVALID_SYNTAX meant something like malformed packet.

> On 20 Jun 2019, at 16:52, Paul Wouters <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are having a discussion about which notify to return in certain
> cases. The issue comes down to the names of the notifies and their
> actual dictated use in the RFC that does not always intuitively
> maps to the name.
> NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN can be interpreted as "no proposal from the IKE/IPsec
> proposal list matches due to all proposals having at least one mismatching
> transform" versus "no matching ike connection for your IKE proposal"
> where proposal refers to the entire IKE proposal, not the proposals
> list with transforms.
> INVALID_SYNTAX can be interpreted as "malformed packet" but the RFC text
> uses this as the "if all other errors dont match, use this one" so you
> can end up returning this even if there is no invalid syntax at all.
> So if your IPsec gateway only has static IP based VPNs and an unknown IP
> connects, some feel NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN conveys that, while technically,
> even though there is no invalid syntax in that proposal, the RFC states
> we should return INVALID_SYNTAX.
> Similarly, if during IKE_AUTH you are finding out there is no IPsec
> configuration that matches the incoming client, there is no "proposal
> list" to compare, so while NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN feels a more natural
> match, should we really return INVALID_SYNTAX despite there being no
> syntax problem? That is what the RFC says.
> I guess in the end, we are really missing a "CONNECTION_REJECTED"
> notify that would cover all the things not covered in the more specific
> notifies.
> What do other implementations do? Should we clarify this anywhere?
> libreswan was using NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN for most of these, but is now
> slated to be more strict to the RFC and use INVALID_SYNTAX. (and
> clearly, I'm not happy about it but it seems the RFC dictates this)
> Paul
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