Christian Hopps writes:
> I also need to point out that we are only talking about the case
> where the implementation doesn’t use a timer to timeout missing
> packets. We specifically added text highlighting that
> implementations are free to timeout missing packets much earlier if
> they so choose. Perhaps we should also highlight this again?? 

I do not really see how this timer text helps, or at all related to
this discussion:

                Implementations that are
   concerned about memory use when packets are delayed (e.g., when an SA
   deletion is delayed), or non-IP-TFS uses of AGGFRAG mode, can of
   course use timers to drop packets as well.

It seems to cover cases where SA is deleted or non-IP-TFS uses of
AGGFRAG mode, which are not a concern here.

Or non-IP-TFS uses of AGGFRAG mode might be relevant here, but I think
the issues are also for IP-TFS uses of AGGFRAG. 

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