Hi Tero,

thank you for the review. Please see inline.

> Here are some my review comments while reading
> draft-ietf-ipsecme-add-ike:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> The text in section 3.1 should say that if length is 0, then no
> Service Priority, Num Addresses etc fields are present.
> I.e., add text in first bullet under Length saying that if length is
> zero, then later fields are not present.

Makes sense.

> --
> Also the text in Num Addresses indicate that it would be valid to send
> CFG_REQUEST with proposed Service Priority, but having Num Addresses
> set to zero?
> Is this intended? I.e., is the client allowed to request data, but not
> propose IP address? If so, perhaps add sentence to Num Addresses
> explaining that it can be 0 for CFG_REQUEST when no specific address
> is request, but other parameters are requested.

Hm... I think my co-authors can comment on this.

> --
> In IP Address(es) explictly mention that it is field contain 4 octet
> IPv4 addresses, or 16 octet IPv6 address without any delimeters etc.
> This can be derived from the calculation of the length field, but I
> think it should be mentioned here, even when it is obvious.


> --
> In section 3.2 it is not clear what the length of the Hash Algorithm
> Identifiers fields is. It contains list of hash algorithms or one hash
> algorithm if this is response, but it is not clear what is response.

What was meant is that a list of hashes is sent by a client (in CFG_REQUEST) and
a single hash is sent by a server (in CFG_REPLY).

> We have CFG_REQUEST, CFG_REPLY, CFG_SET, and CFG_ACK. Most likely
> CFG_REPLY and CFG_ACK are sent in IKE exchange response. On the other
> hand CFG_SET is usually used to set the parameters, thus the
> Certificate Digest would be required there.

True, but IKEv2 doesn't currently use CFG_SET/CFG_ACK and
it explicitly allows implementations to ignore them.

> I would assume that there is only one Hash Algorithm Identifier for
> CFG_REPLY and CFG_SET, and then the Certificate Digest field is
> present. For CFG_REQUEST the Hash Algorithm Identifier is a list of
> two octet hash algorithm identifiers and the Certificate field is
> omitted. For the CFG_ACK only first 4 octets are included and Length
> is set to zero.
> I think it would be better to split the Figure 2 to three different
> figures:
>                         1                   2                   3
>     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
>    +-+-----------------------------+-------------------------------+
>    |R|         Attribute Type      |            Length             |
>    +-+-----------------------------+---------------+---------------+
>    |                    RESERVED                   |  ADN Length   |
>    +-----------------------------------------------+---------------+
>    ~                  Authentication Domain Name                   ~
>    +---------------------------------------------------------------+
>    ~              Hash Algorithm Identifier (2 octets)             ~
>    +---------------------------------------------------------------+
>    ~                     Certificate Digest                        ~
>    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
>   Figure 2: ENCDNS_DIGEST_INFO Attribute Format for CFG_REPLY and CFG_SET
>                         1                   2                   3
>     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
>    +-+-----------------------------+-------------------------------+
>    |R|         Attribute Type      |            Length             |
>    +-+-----------------------------+---------------+---------------+
>    |                    RESERVED                   |  ADN Length   |
>    +-----------------------------------------------+---------------+
>    ~                  Authentication Domain Name                   ~
>    +---------------------------------------------------------------+
>    ~              List of Hash Algorithm Identifiers               ~
>    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
>      Figure 3: ENCDNS_DIGEST_INFO Attribute Format for CFG_REQUEST
>                         1                   2                   3
>     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
>    +-+-----------------------------+-------------------------------+
>    |R|         Attribute Type      |            Length             |
>    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
>      Figure 4: ENCDNS_DIGEST_INFO Attribute Format for CFG_ACK.
> and then explain the Hash Algorithm Identifier and List of Hash
> Algorithm Identifiers separately.

We may do this for completeness, but as I've already mentioned
CFG_SET/CFG_ACK are not currently used in IKEv2.
So I'm in not sure if this is really needed and won't further confuse 

> Actually is there any point of having ADN Length and Authenticated
> Domain Name in CFG_REQUESTS ever? Why would someone calculate hashes
> with certain domain names with different hash algorithms? Perhaps we
> should define the format for CFG_REQUEST as follows:
>                         1                   2                   3
>     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
>    +-+-----------------------------+-------------------------------+
>    |R|         Attribute Type      |            Length             |
>    +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+
>    ~              List of Hash Algorithm Identifiers               ~
>    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
>      Figure 3: ENCDNS_DIGEST_INFO Attribute Format for CFG_REQUEST

I'm confused, since CFG_REQUEST doesn't include Digest.
Am I missing your point?

> --
> In section 4 there is text:
>    If the CFG_REPLY includes an ENCDNS_DIGEST_INFO attribute, the DNS
>    client has to create a digest of the DNS resolver certificate
>    received in the TLS handshake using the negotiated hash algorithm in
>    the ENCDNS_DIGEST_INFO attribute.
> But this does not specify how the digest of the DNS resolver
> certificate is calculated. There are multiple ways of doing this (only
> Subject Public Key Info element like RFC7296 or SPKI(1) selector field
> of RFC7671, or full certificate like Cert(0) selector field of
> RFC7671).
> I would prefer the SPKI (Subject Public Key Info) selector field way
> of RFC7671, as then it does not matter if the certificate is renewed
> etc.

Does certificate renewal matter in this case?

In my reading "digest of the certificate" means the digest over whole 
(Cert(0)), but I'd rather hear from my co-authors.

> --
> I do not think the [Hash] is normative reference. I did not need to
> read and understand that to somewhat understand this document :-)

Well, it's only 58 words including title, you may read them in few seconds :-)
Kidding aside, how this can be informative? The document uses these codepoints.

Or did you mean [I-D.ietf-dnsop-svcb-https]?

> --
> IANA-IKE is bit misleading reference name when you are actually
> refering to the IKEv2 Configuration Payload Attribute Types. Perhaps
> using IANA-IKE-HASH for the [Hash] above, and IANA-IKE-CFG for this.


> --
> It would actually be useful to have example configuration for some of
> the deployment scenarios in Appendix A, similar than in 3.15.2 of
> RFC7296.
> i.e.,
>     ENCDNS_IP6()
>     ENCDNS_DIGEST_INFO(0, "", (SHA2-256, SHA2-384, SHA2-512))
> and getting reply
>     INTERNAL_IP6_ADDRESS(2001:DB8:0:1:2:3:4:5/64)
>     ENCDNS_IP6(23, 1, 16,
>                (2001:DB8:99:88:77:66:55:44),
>              "doh1.example.com",
>              "???")
>     ENCDNS_DIGEST_INFO(0, "", SHA2-256,
>                        00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff)
> where the data in ECNDNS_IP6 is in the same order they are in the
> actual packet, i.e., 23 is the Service Priority, 1 is num address, 16
> is ADN Length and then is list of IPv6 addresses and so on.
> I for example have no idea what could be in the Service Parameters
> field for some specific service (for example DoH), and how it would be
> different for DoT...

Adding an example makes sense, IMHO.


> --
> kivi...@iki.fi
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