On Wed, Aug 2, 2023 at 9:17 PM Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>

> Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:
>     >> Christian Hopps <cho...@chopps.org> wrote: >> The ingress node
>     >> encrypts this packet and adds the IPsec >> encapsulation, and this
>     >> IPsec-processed packet is also larger than the >> Link MTU. The
>     >> ingress node fragments this IPsec-processed packet and >> sends all
>     >> the fragments to the egress node.
>     >>
>     >> > This should not happen. The ingress node should first fragment
> the >
>     >> inner IP packet so that it fits in the tunnel (i.e., so that the
> ESP >
>     >> packets it creates do not violate it's own MTU).
>     >>
>     >> You can't do that if DF=1, or IPv6.  You can form big ESP packets
> and
>     >> then fragment them, even with IPv6.  DF=0 for IPv4 on ESP packets is
>     >> good, until there is a firewall that cant cope with fragments.
>     > Why does any of this even matter? The applications should use
>     > DPLPMTUD ?
> 1) For TCP things.  We also have RFC9268 now.

Neat. I didn't know about that one.

I guess we might get it for UDP too then if we get
draft-ietf-tsvwg-udp-options  :)

> 2) how can we get it turned on by default?  I tried to make this case to
>    Linux distros and kernel people, but there is a lack of evidence that
>    it is safe, and the people who might have the evidence (at scale)
>    don't want to do it.
> 3) the gateways really have no idea if PLPMTUD is being done, and sometimes
>    it's better to just make things work.
>     > Sprinkling bits to try to communicate with hops in between hasn't
>     > worked for decades.
> Agreed. PMTUD is a fail.
>     > Or use IPTFS and set your own max packet size sufficiently low?
> I think that this is the killer app for IPTFS.

But of course this means either IPTFS should be able to auto-tune this, or
else we end up with
hardcoded configs that might stop working or cause future problems.

>     > I'm not convinced doing this between IPsec peers will solve any real
>     > use cases.
> I am also skeptical, but I don't object to the work getting standardized.
> In particular, for networks where there are MTU constraints on the far side
> of the far gateway, telling the sending gateway about the MTU has a far
> higher
> chance of working than anything else.  The sending gateway probably can
> send
> PTB ICMPs with better results.

There would need to be dynamic updating, kernel <-> userland
communications, etc.
Just hardcoding this in an ikev2 configuration would be pretty bad.

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