Hi Jens and list,

Jens Link <li...@quux.de> writes:

> Benedikt Stockebrand <b...@stepladder-it.com> writes:
> Hi,
>>> And may I add cloud providers?
>> No, you may not.  Definitely not.  Go away.  And take those enterprises
>> using them as a cheap CDN with you...
> Well many content providers / startups use "the cloud". No IPv6 there,
> no content. 


>> And what's even more frustrating: The Amazon stuff at some time
>> supported IPv6 at least on a best effort base, but they switched it off
>> again.
> AFAIK only for HTTP(S) Loadbalancing.

Which according to some totally unconfirmed rumors was "good enough" for
some organization to use as their wannabe CDN.  And then Amazon switched
IPv6 support off again...

I want a drink.  And something strong.  Like drain cleaner, or at least
battery acid.



Benedikt Stockebrand,                   Stepladder IT Training+Consulting
Dipl.-Inform.                           http://www.stepladder-it.com/

          Business Grade IPv6 --- Consulting, Training, Projects

BIVBlog---Benedikt's IT Video Blog: http://www.stepladder-it.com/bivblog/

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