Good morning everyone,

a follow up from the RIPE83 IPv6 WG meeting: I had a few talk afterwards
and at I got the feeling that "not to ULA, but to GUA" would be the most
sustainable way forward.

## Motivation

The Motivation is:

- with GUA, potential connectivity to the Internet later does not
  require renumbering
- with GUA, reverse DNS is easily possible

We had a bit of a discussion on the IETF mailing list before [0]
and this comes with the obvious question "who is going to pay for it",
where "it" is mainly related to building, maintaining and supporting such

## Target Audience ("consumer")

The target audience is "organisation who cannot afford to become an
LIR" [1], because if an organisation can become an LIR, they preferably

## Target Audience ("provider")

Coming back to the who is going to provide such a thing, I believe this
might require sponsoring from one or more organisations. Obviously
ungleich as an Open Source/IPv6 provider is in for this, but I think it
would be beneficial if a couple of "core members" would drive such a

## Project structure

In particular I imagine a free GUA service to be split into two phases:

* Initial setup (see below)
* Running / Maintenance / Support

## Initial setup

As the ULA registry [2] is fully open source and a django project, it
could potentially be used as a code basis. Aside from the actual
self service portal, other issues need to be addressed:

* Integration with the RIRs (mostly: whois DBs)
* Definition of policies
* Definition of support channels

## Running / Maintenance / Support

Now in the spirit of GUA space for community projects, I would envision
not *one*, but potentially *many* free GUA registries, potentially using
the same code base, but offering different policies. This would allow
registries with different objectives:

* A free GUA registry for a particular territory  (f.i. "North of Swiss Alps")
* A free GUA registry for a particular target group (f.i. "Only for hackers")
* A free GUA registry with non-monetary conditions [3]

And this brings me to the final aspect:

## Decentralised, free GUA registries

IPv6 can be a real enabler for decentralisation, because everything can
be made accessible. The very same principle also applies for a free GUA
registry: instead of having one free GUA registry, nothing would speak
against having multiple of them. As a matter of fact, it might even be a
good tone as an involved LIR to provide some free GUA space. Anyone
thinking of right now? Yes, that's the direction I am thinking:

Free GUA registries as a concept that can easily be cloned and

## Next steps: RFC / CfP

So how to go from here? I would be interested in an exchange on this
mailing list and also to hear if there are other parties here that would
be interested in helping out, either by

- reviewing the proposal,
- coding,
- helping in the policy area,
- supporting the first free GUA registry (read: handling support requests),
- maintining the first free GUA registry (read: keeping the platform 
- or contributing financially

One of the unclear items from my side is whether or not there should be
some governing organisations like a foundation, but I guess this can be
clarified on the way.

All that said, I am very much looking forward to hearing your opinions.

Best regards from 50cm of snow[4],


[1] Community networks, NPO, NGO, Maker spaces, maybe even SME are target
    groups that come to my mind / are organisations I talked to.
[3] I don't want to elaborate to much on this one already as it has a
    lot of discussion potential - but the motivation is as follows:
    community projects usually don't have money, but time. So instead of
    having users pay some kind of a fee by time, a payment by "proof of
    work" might be feasible. The details of such an arrangement can be
    complex, but there might also be easy solutions for it. To be
    discussed & decided.

Marco Hogewoning <> writes:

>  On 9 Dec 2021, at 10:29, Jeroen Massar via ipv6-wg <> wrote:
>  Any LIR could simply take a /32 out of their prefix and delegate it for 
> "disconnected use"... seeing that there are bunches of LIRs doing that kind 
> of 'business' already, .... solved problem all of it, not?
> All,
> This sentence triggered me, knowing that back in the days we had looked at 
> it. So a colleague was kind enough to cobble together some fresh scripts and 
> put the two data sets next to each other…
> At the moment we count 24043 IPv6 allocations and assignments, comparing 
> those to the routing information collected by RIS:
> 8773  are seen as exact match in RIS
> 2648  have at least one "more specific" route in RIS
> 12622  are not seen at all
> Now of course no doubt RIS has a few blindspots, so there is a level of 
> inaccuracy here, also because this is based on a single snapshot taken 
> somewhere yesterday afternoon, which means we may have come across an outage 
> somewhere.
> Anyway, ballpark 50% of the IPv6 space could be categorised as 
> "disconnected". As we probably all very well know, deployment takes time so 
> probably soe of these are "in the pipeline" and hopefully will be seen and 
> "connected" very soon.
> Yet, in my personal view the number is still somewhat high. There might be a 
> few who purposely choose not to announce (all of) their IPv6 address space. 
> But I suspect that is not the 12k+ we observe right now. Maybe not to far off 
> to conclude that the address
> allocations outpace deployments or turning that on its side: "getting address 
> space is not the cause of the delayed deployment".
> I just leave it here as a datapoint, but if anybody has any bright ideas to 
> get more space visible because of deployment, no doubt many are interested.
> Best,
> MarcoH
> PS: thanks Rene!

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