On 2023 Dec 11 (Mon) at 07:49:37 +0000 (+0000), Eric Vyncke (evyncke) via 
ipv6-wg wrote:
:[This is about ARIN, but curious to see if anybody has any insight...]
:A colleague of mine showed me https://whois.arin.net/rest/net/NET6-2630-2, 
i.e., a /16 allocated by ARIN to Capital One (AFAIK a US bank).
:Of course, this may be a tool bug, or a human encoding mistake, else I will 
start to fear an IPv6 addresses exhaustion in the future (only 2**13 of /16 out 
of 2000::/3).
:If anyone has any insight, then I will welcome this insight in this specific 

Interestingly, they already had a /48 and a /36 allocation before
receving this /16.


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