Keith Moore writes:
 > > From my SF-centric Nexus-of-the-web-trendiod
 > > standpoint: for residential use (especially with
 > > broadband) it is simply impossible to have an
 > > argument about the evils of NAT. 
 > that's the stupidest thing that's been said here in a long time.
 > NATs are at least as harmful in a residential environment as in any other
 > environment.  It's just that residential customers are slower to realize
 > the problems with NAT and they have less ability to get blocks of addresses
 > routed to them at reasonable prices than other customers.

I have no idea what it is that you think you're
arguing with because it is simply my observation
having tried to get people to understand why their
innocent cuddly NAT boxen are really wolves in
sheep's clothing. How you derive "stupid" from
that is beyond me as it's a complete non-sequitur
unless a mere observation can now be assessed for
its intelligence quotient.


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