New issue: 21, see below:

> >    Prefix Discovery is how hosts discover the set of address prefixes
> >    that define which destinations are on-link for an attached link.
> >    Prefix discovery MUST be supported for implementations.  However, the
> >    implementation MAY support the option of disabling this function.
> same comment with regards to MAY. And also, am I right to assume that
> disabling this function would need to be done on a per-interface basis
> (in which case the current text isn't explicit enough)? I.e, is this
> related to some 3G type deployment?

The text isn't related to any 3G deployments, that I know of. Suggested
resolution, delete last sentence.

> >    Duplicate Address Detection MUST be supported (RFC2462 section 5.4
> >    specifies DAD MUST take place on all unicast addresses).
> This reference to 2462 section 5.4 is a tad misleading. The relevant
> paragraph in 2462 says:
> > 5.4.  Duplicate Address Detection
> > 
> >    Duplicate Address Detection is performed on unicast addresses prior
> >    to assigning them to an interface whose DupAddrDetectTransmits
> >    variable is greater than zero. Duplicate Address Detection MUST take
> >    place on all unicast addresses, regardless of whether they are
> >    obtained through stateful, stateless or manual configuration, with
> >    the exception of the following cases:
> Note that one of the exception cases is stateless addr conf when
> configuring multiple addresses using the same IID. Is node-requirments
> trying to override this exception? If so, it should be explicit about
> it. Otherwise, I'm not sure why the above sentence is included in
> node-requirements.

The Node Req. should not override any RFC, so the suggested resolution: 
delete text in parenthesis.


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