> > 4.5.4 Default Address Selection for IPv6 - RFC3484
> > 
> >  Default Address Selection for IPv6 [RFC-3484] SHOULD be supported, if
> >  a node has more than one IPv6 address per interface or a node has
> >  more that one IPv6 interface (physical or logical) configured.
> > 
> >  If supported, the rules specified in the document MUST be
> >  implemented. A node needs to belong to one site, however there is no
> >  requirement that a node be able to belong to more than one site.
> This is really weasle worded. Is 3484 mandatory to _implement_ or not?
> You can't make its implementation dependent on whether there are
> multiple addresses, since the number of addresses a node will have is
> not something an implementor will know, as it's an operational issue.

Why do you say its weasley-worded?  I take this as a strong SHOULD.  I
imagine that a single purpose IPv6, like a sensor may, in fact, have a
single IP address. Some text clarification may be OK, though, how about
adding to the first paragraph the following text:

    It is expected that most implementations will indeed support this, as 
    since the number of addresses a node will have is more of an 
    operational issue.


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