Christian Huitema wrote:

Suggested text to address both comments:

"The special behavior of this prefix MUST no longer be supported."

Well, we did not intend to force every implementation developer to go fix the problem immediately, recall the products that have already shipped, etc. The "new implementation" piece is meant to convey that meaning. Just dropping it does not really solve the issue.

What you are describing here will be accomplished by using a SHOULD statement
instead of a MUST.
"The special behavior of this prefix SHOULD no longer be supported"

Well, we still have link local scope, so there is still that. Do you
suggest that we write a line for each of the RFC that currently


site local and explain how to change them?

Precisely. There are not that many of them. If you go through the
you'll find a post where I made the list of places that either


FECO:: or site local. Or a simple grep in the RFC pages will do.

I would rather use a catch-up phrase than an exhaustive list. Something
like: "The special behavior of this prefix MUST no longer be supported in new
implementations or in new protocol definitions. References to this
prefix should be removed from IETF documents when these documents are

Well, the list of specs that are using SL is really not that long...
and if you do not say how "new" implementation should handle those
"old" specs now that SL are gone, you only do half of the deprecating job.

- Alain.

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