4.6 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) for IPv6 - RFC2710

   If an application is going to join any-source multicast group
   addresses, it SHOULD implement MLDv1. When MLD is used, the rules in
   "Source Address Selection for the Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)
   Protocol" [RFC-3590] MUST be followed.

If I understand correctly, these nodes could support either
MLDv1 or MLDv2.

The document already allows either MLDv1 or MLDv2 to
be used. And yes, MLDv2 is backwards compatible to
MLDv1 as John pointed out.

Perhaps the only question that I have left is... whether
IPv6 nodes should support MLDv2 instead of MLDv1. The
node requirements document and the MLDv2 draft intro
gives the impression that the only difference is
source-specific filtering. Then the current node
reqs rules make sense. But Appendix B of the MLDv2
draft seems to list a number of other modifications,
including some enhancements to robustness. Are these
important? I'm not an expert enough to determine that.

I had suggested awhile back that MLDv2 should be the preferred choice for group management in the node requirements. At that time, MLDv2 was still being worked in the MAGMA WG so people didn't want to hold up this document on the MLDv2 spec.

The key advantage of MLDv2 is the source filtering ability.  And
with people talking/complaining about the lack of SSM support in
v6 implementations, I think node reqs should lean heavier on MLDv2.
There is no lack of traditional multicast capability since MLDv2
supports MLDv1 for backwards compatability.

The discussions in the MLDv2 appendix are helpful in understanding
the changes in protocol behavior, but they aren't as important as
the source filtering.

So, unless people want to re-open the discussion on what group
management protocol should be put forth (which I don't, I am happy
with what is there), I think the doc is fine.

Brian (without either chair hat on)

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