As we are seeing in the multi-addressing discussions in multi6,
there is indeed strong pressure from applications people against
apps having to know anything at all about address selection.
This becomes even more true when you get into Java land.

So while this API is probably harmless, I agree with Francis
its applicability is very limited. In fact, I would be tempted to
argue for it becoming Experimental. However, I think it is perfectly
valid for it to become a WG draft.


Francis Dupont wrote:
>  In your previous mail you wrote:
>          The address selection draft authors have asked the WG to adopt
>    draft-chakrabarti-ipv6-addrselect-api-02.txt as a WG document.  Are
>    there any objections to the group adopting it?  As with other API
>    documents, this would be Informational in nature.
> => I have no objection but I have a concern: as I don't expect to
> see all applications changed to handle this I am really afraid that
> this draft doesn't address the right problem...
> Regards
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Brian E Carpenter 
Distinguished Engineer, Internet Standards & Technology, IBM

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