>>>>> On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 16:17:36 +0100, 
>>>>> Mattias Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>> Internet
>> |
>> R1
>> +---+-----------+------+-----+ 
>> |                  |
>> R2                  H1
>> |
>> H2
>> Let us say Router R1 is the default router for H1. R1 connects
>> H1 to internet (IPv6). Also Router R1, R2 and H1 are all on the
>> same link. H2 is connected to Router R2. If host H1 wants to
>> reach H2 can router R1 redirect it to R2 for this particular
>> route?

> Yes, R1 will tell H1 that R2 is a better next hop.

>> Or will H1 be able to learn about H2 from R2 router
>> advertisements?

> R2 shouldn't advertise on that (upper) link.

I think R2 actually should.  Otherwise, H1 won't be able to
communicate with H2 when R1 is down.  So, both R1 and R2 should
advertise RAs on the upper link (from R2).  If the "redirect storms"
really matter, we then should use a new feature described in

                                        JINMEI, Tatuya
                                        Communication Platform Lab.
                                        Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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