
> The host behavior when the M/O flags transition from set to unset is a
> little less clear.  In the case of the O flag, the host will stop using
> DHCPv6 for other configuration information.  Should it also stop using the
> configuration information it received through DHCPv6?
> Similarly, when the M flag transitions from set to unset, should the host
> stop using any addresses obtained through DHCPv6?  Or should the host simply
> not try to extend the lifetimes of any assigned addresses?
very good questions. If Jinmei thinks that Tim's approach of using
"may"s is good, then I believe one should also propose a behaviour in
the cases when M/O bits are switching to unflagged. E.g.:

        (a) If the O flag is unset, a client may discontinue using
        stateless DHCPv6 and it may choose to discontinue using
        configuration information that was received while the O flag was

Similarly, I would propose something like

        (b) If the M flag is being unset, a DHCPv6 client may choose to
        send a Renew/Rebind message. If no renewal/rebinding is possible
        the client may discontinue using stateful DHCPv6. If the O flag
        is set, a client may try to receive other configuration
        information using stateless DHCPv6. Otherwise, a client may
        choose to behave as described in (a).

for the M flag.

Of course there are other ways of reacting to M/O flags that switch to
unflagged but I think that the above behaviour is reasonable. Trying a
Renew/Rebind will also handle the question if or if not a client should
continue using addresses that where received while the M flag was set
(basically, the DHCPv6 server will decide).


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