On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, Erik Nordmark wrote:
> > My concern with using the unspecified address comes from the
> > experience we had in MAGMA where we had to specify which source
> > address to use in the MLDv1 packets.  
> RFC 3590 does allow the unspecified source for MLD messages during DAD,
> so the parallel for RS works quite fine.

That must be allowed (more or less) for MLD because there is no choice 
if there are MLD snoopers out there..
> > Further, some might want to 
> > perform some kind of filtering based on the link-local source address, 
> > and using the unspecified address makes this impossible.
> What type of filtering do you have in mind?
> What problem would such filtering solve?

I'm mainly thinking of xDSL systems where all the customers appear to
be on the same subnet (e.g. a shared IPv4 /19 prefix), but are
filtered so that they are actually separate from each other (sorry, I
can't describe it much better).

I would also imagine that minimizing the use of the unspecified 
address might make SEND-like mechanisms easier, because the 
unspecified address does not belong to just one node, and you cannot 
distinguish the different nodes using the unspecified address.

> > I mentioned only because DHCP assigned addresses are probably 
> > indistinguishable (depends on where they sit) from the manual 
> > addresses, but depending on the deployment, I guess DHCP could be 
> > giving the EUI64 addresses as well.
> Is this an implementation concern i.e. that the code which decides
> whether to do optimistic DAD might not know whether the address was
> assigned by the DHCP client or manually by an administrator?

This can be fixed by the implementation, of course, by appropriate
flags for adding new addresses.  A question is should this feature be 
spelled out if it's required by oDAD.

> That implementation concern is easy to handle; I even know an implementation
> which sets IFF_DHCPRUNNING for the addresses that are managed by the
> dhcp client.

On addresses?  Aren't IFF flags typically per interface, not per 
> > Are you sure DHCP servers check that no duplicates are given?  
> Am I sure that the IEEE and the vendors don't hand out duplicate
> blocks/adresses? No - life is full of different probabilities.

:-) -- I meant whether the DHCP specs state that this kind of thing 
should be done, rather than us depending on the implementations to do 
that (some probably do, many probably don't).
> > Another potential scenario might be that the DHCP server is
> > reconfigured (one node removed, another added with the same address),
> > but the removed node still keeps its address and the new node will be
> > on the same link..
> But such a DHCP server doesn't work well with laptops which might be
> temporarily disconnected while the DAD occurs. Thus a good DHCP server would
> retain state about its leases in stable storage to minimize the risk of
> crashes or reconfiguration resulting in handing out duplicate
> addresses.

Actually at least DHCPv4 spec has a MUST that the leases must be kept 
in a stable storage.

But I'm not sure if that this the same scenario..

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

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