Hi Masakata,

I think there is an issue of mis-communication
here which prevents us from moving beyond a certain
point in the conversation.

I understand what you're saying about different links having
different properties, and that individual hosts (on different
media) should take advantage of them.

I'm pretty sure that ND is critical for such devices
(neighbours, but connected by different media), in order
to create a common link-layer address resolution mechanism
regardless of the access medium of a particular host.

Please tell me if you're in agreement here.

I think that where we're getting stuck is that
the assumptions we're making are different with
regard to the priorities.

I believe that you see the issue with regard to packet loss
as a debilitating factor for WLAN.

I think that using existing messages from ND, some of
these issues may be overcome, if we can introduce
new behaviours on wireless hosts when sending and receiving
these messages.

Given each of these points, perhaps it is best for
me to disclose some of my assumptions, and
as we become aware of further assumptions we can
contribute these to the discussion.

Masataka Ohta wrote:

Our goal is to let IP run over (almost) all the link types
as efficiently as possible.


Yes, but I think it is also a goal to ensure that we don't rely on peers being modified in order to guarantee our own good performance.

This is especially the case for switched access networks,
where many different media (Bluetooth, WLAN, Ethernet) may
be present.


Duplicate Address Detection (from rfc2462).

I know. But, we are talking about address resolution, not DAD.

Indeed, some of the arguments regarding ND apply to DAD, since its transmission and reception mechanisms are based on multicast (and ND messaging is used).

I was also indicating that DAD is required for address
configuration, while DHCPv6 isn't, which you (seemed
to have) asserted in a previous e-mail.

DHCPv6 today relies upon link-local unicast packet
transfer. Therefore it relies upon ND and Stateless
Address Autoconfiguration and DAD for the link-local address.

Address resolution of ND gives up after three NSes and
is not robust.

As indicated in the State transition table in appendix C,
The address unreachable message is sent in response to each of
the queued packets and then the NC entry is deleted.


Thus, ND gives up after three NSes and is not robust.

I really don't see that there's an agreed way to handle this issue in 802.11.

If multiple hosts can receive a packet, it will go out
multicast or broadcast at the link-layer.  If going from
the AP to the STAs, there will be no ACK.

This is an essential property of the MAC, where the
packets do not have a unique (or known) destination.

In any discovery this is going to be a problem, since
any discovery will require multicast at the MAC layer.

What is needed is either to do away with the discovery
phase, or to increase the robustness of the probing.

Do you agree?

Indeed, the address has been unreachable during the probe
period, so this may be interpreted as correct behaviour.

It is correct to send a message that ND is performing poorly,
when ND is performing poorly.

However, it does not deny the fact that ND is poor.

Indeed. It is not irretrievable, though.

Newly arriving packets will cause a new NC entry to be
created, and this may establish connectivity.

This may have a significant cost in time and packet
loss, though.

And, our goal is to let IP run over (almost) all the link types
as efficiently as possible.

It involves to make mechanisms of IP over some link type
actively make use of properties specific to the link type,
which means ND approach to ignore the diffeence of link
types was wrong and failed.

Indeed, we may need to make some allowance for the link types.

ND itself is not failed. It does a very good job of
allowing a single message format (and single implementation)
to work on a wide range of access technologies.

I think the issue here is where the allowance is made.

I think that only hosts which are directly connected
to the WLAN should be expected to make adjustments.

The fixed network hosts talking to them have a mechanism
(ND) which should provide a predictable fallback

In my opinion, it is the duty of hosts which connect over
lossy media to improve their own performance without
relying on optimizations on other devices.
Reliance upon such optimizations will make it difficult
to communicate when they aren't available.

We really can't rely upon deployed ipv6 hosts and
routers being implemented with WLAN specific changes
(unless these are good in every network).

We can and we must implement IP with lin specific mechanisms
and we can't and must not expect such mechanisms are good in
every network.


Perhaps we are talking about the same idea
from different directions.

If we can come up with some options (or generally useful

IP is generally useful. Forget to expect "generally useful"
for ND.

I think that the existing ND can be used as a basis for messaging in any case (even when some modification to signalling or retransmission procedures is required)

With regards to its usefulness:  It's certainly useful to be
able to guarantee that a host is running a particular service
and _will_ respond if it receives a message.
Even if you don't receive it the first time.

If we can rely upon this form unoptimized hosts then
I guess that we can utilize cleverer polling techniques,
or install state on peers in order to remove the need for
retransmissions when packets are arriving.

but it's probably
better to concentrate on the wireless hosts first.

ARP, for example, is better than ND, because it use
broadcast only for request and replies are unicast.

The only difference here is that packets are multicast for Neighbour Solicitations (Request). Replies are unicast except for in the case of DAD (which has its own retransmission mechanisms), and router advertisement (which is repeated at intervals).

Since the packets are only within a single hop, the
only issue with multicast transmission (compared to
broadcast) is multicast-signaling snooping devices.

Indeed, WLAN doesn't treat multicast differently to
broadcast on the wireless link.

Really I can't see your point here.

It's possible that devices which know that they're using
WLAN could adopt a better ND strategy. For example:

* Send packets which are likely to be robustly transmitted
 (not multicast downstream to WLAN hosts).

You can't send packets, unless address resolution succeed.

Actually, if your peer or router is on the fixed network, the multicast router or neighbour solicitation will go from the Wireless Host (STA) through the AP (getting Acked or retransmitted) to the peer.

This will have as good performance as unicast.

If you sent a Source Link-Layer Address Option (i.e. a MAC address)
in the solicitation, it will set a neighbour cache entry in
the peer or router, in which case there will not be a multicast
neighbour discovery from the peer or router when it wishes to
send data.

This also works if the peer is on a similar wireless link
bridged by the fixed infrastructure.

If the wireless host has sent a neighbour solicitation in this case,
it is aware of whether the peer has received the packet,
since it will get a unicast response.
If there is no response, the wireless host can continue
retransmitting a number of times associated with the
robustness of the media (>3?), before dropping the Neighbour
Cache entry.

These mechanisms require the wireless host to be modified,
but not their peer.

In most cases, the wireless host will want packet delivery
from a router, which it will have discovered using
router discovery.  In this case, it just needs to ensure
that there is a REACHABLE or STALE neighbour cache entry
on the router (which it can once again check with reachability

Unicast RAs are likely to increase the load
in the case many devices configure simultaneously though.

It's not a problem of modern networks, which has broad enough
bandwidth for small number of hosts.

Indeed, it depends on the number of residents in the cell, in this case.


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