> In any discovery this is going to be a problem, since
> any discovery will require multicast at the MAC layer.

Note that if the hub and spoke quality of the 802.11 (enterprise mode)
network was not lost on the way of emulating ethernet, then the
discovery could happen in an alternate fashion, adapted to that L2. Just
like you have inverse ARP for FR networks, you could have a form of
inverse ND, which does not require L2 broadcast.

An example of that: AP could be a master, owning and defending a range
of addresses, and the visitors could get an address from the AP. I
remember discussing that with Nick Moore at the last IETF and his
suggestion to make the 'range' a modulus 2^16, so that in this example
an AP would own all suffixes ending with a given value of the 2 last
bytes, for all values of the first 6 bytes in the suffix. This proposal
allows an AP to defend all its addresses on the wire side using a single
multicast address... 


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