> Besides, the current text of rfc2462bis actually says "based on the
> hardware address" instead of assuming EUI-64 unconditionally:
>    If the address is a link-local address
>    formed from an interface identifier based on the hardware address
>    (e.g., EUI-64), the interface SHOULD be disabled.
> I guess this wording already address your concern because the
> description should mean a future link-layer technology can be an
> exception to this rule if interface identifiers are not directly tied
> with link-layer (hardware) addresses.  I added "EUI-64" as an example
> because it would provide concrete idea on what the "hardware address"
> actually means for implementors.  I think the current wording is
> enough, but if you are still worried about future formats of EUI-64
> that can be an exception, I could even say "(e.g., today's EUI-64
> format for Ethernet links)".

        yup, i know this.

> >     moreover, if MAC address is under collision, IPv4 does not work,
> >     Appletalk does not work (i guess).  so there's no point in IPv6
> >     making a judgement call to disable *interface*.  it is like IPv6 is
> >     saying "i'm the law on this interface, other protocol must obey me".
> >     if it is to disable *the use of IPv6 on the interface*, or disable
> >     *the particular address which failed DAD*, it makes more sense.
> I've already proposed to use the interpretation of limiting the
> meaning of "disabling" to IPv6 operation.
> So...can you live with the current specification of "disabling the
> entire interface" if we limit the effect to IPv6 (and clarify that
> point in the document)?

        yes, that is what i want to see.  however, even in this case,
        "disable" has multiple interpretations:
        - disable the address which failed DAD
        - disable the address which shares the same interface ID as the
          DAD-failed linklocal
        - disable the use of IPv6 (all addresses on the interface)

        i would like to see your clarified text and then i may comment.


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