Comments/Additions/Corrections welcome...

 Wednesday (08/04/04) 1530-1730
     * Intro & Agenda Bashing                chairs           3 minutes
     * Document Status                       chairs           2 minutes
     * IPv6 Plugtest Announcement            Guillemin        5 minutes
     * 2461bis                               Soliman         10 minutes
          - draft-soliman-ipv6-2461-bis-01.txt
          - Goal: status update
     * 2462bis                               Tatuya          10 minutes
          - draft-ietf-ipv6-rfc2462bis-02.txt
          - Goal: status update
     * ICMP Updates                          Gupta/Hinden    15 minutes
          - draft-ietf-ipngwg-icmp-v3-03.txt
          - Goal: status update
     * Optimistic DAD                        N. Moore        10 minutes
          - draft-ietf-ipv6-optimistic-dad-01.txt
          - Goal: status update
     * M&O Flags in RA's                     Park             5 minutes
          - draft-daniel-ipv6-ra-mo-flags-00.txt
          - Goal: Raise awareness of work
     * DNS configuration (RA option)         chairs          10 minutes
          - draft-ietf-dnsop-ipv6-dns-configuration-01.txt
          - Goal: Should the WG be doing something?
     * Anycast Analysis                      chairs           5 minutes
          - draft-ietf-ipngwg-ipv6-anycast-analysis-02.txt
          - Goal: What to do?
     * IPv6 over PPP update                  Varada          10 minutes
          - draft-ietf-ipv6-over-ppp-v2-01.txt
          - Goal: status update
     * Link-scoped Multicast                 Shin            10 minutes
          - draft-ietf-ipv6-link-scoped-mcast-04.txt
          - Goal: Resolving open issues from WG Last Call
     * IPv6 over WLAN/802.11                 chairs          20 minutes
          - Goal: Should the WG be doing something?

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