>From another thread:

From: Thomas Narten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2004 12:42:22 -0400
Subject: Re: Last Call: 'Early IANA Allocation of Standards Track Codepoints' to BCP 

FWIW, I too agree that this document shouldn't deal with requests for
non-WG documents. The issues are very different.

> Look at section 6.1 of draft-ietf-ipngwg-icmp-v3-04.txt
> that talks about similar things.

Looking at just this section, I think some additional clarifications
are needed:

>    1. The IANA should allocate and permanently register new ICMPv6 type
>       codes from IETF RFC publication.  This is for all RFC types
>       including standards track, informational, experimental status,
>       etc.

With the IESG approval of draft-iesg-rfced-documents-03.txt, I think
the above needs more clarification. Is it the intention that a
document that is submitted to the RFC Editor as an individual
submission should be granted ICMP code points? I hope not, as that
potentially opens up the door for permanent IANA code point allocation
for essentially unreviewed (or broken) purposes.

>    3. Requests for type value assignments from outside of the IETF
>       should be sent to the IETF for review.  The general guideline for
>       this review is that the assignment should be made if there is
>       public and open documentation of the protocol and if the
>       assignment is not being used to circumvent an existing IETF
>       protocol or work in progress.

Please read RFC 2434, where it talks about the motivation for having a
"designated expert". The above is too vague about who makes the has
final authority for making a decision. And what does it mean "to
circumvent an existing IETF protocol or work in progress"? E.g., if a
WG rejects something as "not a good idea", or no WG thinks that a
proposal "is a good idea", what happens?


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