     Attached are the minutes of the IPv6 WG session at IETF61.

Bob & Brian
IPv6 WG co-chairs

IP Version 6 WG (ipv6)

Thursday, November 11 at 0900-1130

Robert Hinden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Brian Haberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


- Agenda Bashing Haberman 04 Minutes

dupont - requests time to speak about getting /16 prefix allocated for crypto 
generated id's.
hinden - if we have time

haberman - tahi interop test announcement - similar structure to previous tahi 
tests, some new things for ike, nemo, etc. more info at tahi web page.

- Document Status Haberman 01 Minute

no issues or comments on document status

- Milestone Updates Hinden 10 Minutes

chairs have worked with ADs to update charter milestones. the things-done list 
is bigger than the to-do list :).
hope to get outstanding work done within next couple of ietf meetings.

- Node Information Queries Hinden 10 Minutes
- Goal: determine direction of the work

last draft is -10, now shipping in several implementations. need to get this 
published. was consensus after vienna provided some clarifications on privacy 
addresses are made. plan was to make those changes and then submit as PS. is 
there anyone interested working on this? author hasn't been active lately.

no questions/comments

- Privacy Addresses v2 Krishnan 15 Minutes
- Goal: Progress as Draft Standard
- draft-ietf-ipv6-privacy-addrs-v2-01.txt

what's new? - see slides

hinden - agrees there are no interop issues, nor is the new algorithm better or 
worse, but the issues which caused the community to switch don't relate to 
this. there is no reason for implementors to change. the goal is not to get 
people to change code to comply with this. need to make this clear in doc.

krishnan - has change pending that may require code changes

hinden - well we can't do that, but let's discuss it when you present the change

greg daley - we already understand well what well-distributed random numbers 
are. just need references to docs that explain that.

krishnan - does have reference

open issues
 - per-prefix knobs (will break backwards compatibility)

ralph droms - how does it break backwards compatibility?
author - not required in previous version of rfc3041
thaler - don't make it a must, make it a may or a should and then it is a 
savola - this is connected to next issues regarding ULAs, so should discuss 
these together
hain - this is no different to changing the default of generate or not. if you 
get per-prefix knobs, nodes that do that don't break older implementations. 
just means that older nodes are doing something different. 
nordmark - is there any possibility that the tie-breaker rules in RFC3848 has 
any interaction with this?
hain - if you don't have one of these suffixes then tie-breaker won't take 
thaler - longest-prefix match is last rule, so this comes in first. prefix 
doesn't matter until you've looked at every other rule there is.

 - isatap and rfc2526 downref
thaler - don't have problem with new text. avoiding isatap addrs isn't really a 

 - unique local addresses
do they need temp addrs?

daley - don't treat them differently, at least don't explicitly exclude
hinden - yes, they're just unicast prefixes, don't treat them differently
hain - agrees shouldn't consider them to be different, but there is a strong 
bias for operators to not want random values to show up in their internal 
network. so probably don't want to do this in the ULA case. per-prefix knobs 
solves this problem.
carpenter - ULAs special? yes and no. in large company they're not special at 
all. outside that company those addrs are a bug. should be prefix specific and 
then ULA is just a special prefix.
nordmark - agrees
thaler - only concern about per-prefix knobs is that hosts won't know their 
prefix until they get RA, so how does host get configured?
krishnan - it is configured on host, hasn't thought about how this is 
savola - assume many enterprises will want to use ULAs for local communication 
only, but might still want to generate temp addrs for global communication. 
therefore recommend that by default ULAs don't generate temp addrs. but then 
you need normative ref to something that defines ULA.
hinden - might be better to put text in ULA doc as this doc is going to DS.
hain - are you considering lifetime support?
krishnan - higher lifetime is bound to RA, but max for temp addr is independent 
of that.
hain - per-prefix knobs might require per-prefix temp valid lifetime
thaler - pleas make clear that prefix doesn't need to be subnet prefix but 
something shorter could be used
hinden - that would work well for regular unicast addresses as well

-02 version has been submitted, but hasn't been published yet. ULA text is in 

-64-bit IID only?
will add clarifying text to say that IIDs don't have to be 64 bit, but this 
text only applies to 64-bit IIDs.

Any other issues?
droms - if there will be another rev and opportunity to comment, then he has 
new text that doesn't need to be discussed here
krishnan - there will be another rev

- IPv6 over PPP v2 Varada 10 Minutes
- Goal: Progress as Draft Standard
- draft-ietf-ipv6-over-ppp-v2-01.txt

no changes since last -01 rev was released in June

is in last call now

one editorial change planned, unless further comments come in

please review and make any comments on the mailing list soon.

savola - i have provided feedback a couple of times, but has not gone anywhere 
other than author contacting me off list. what i see as problematic is that DAD 
can be disabled under certain circumstances, but doesn't say how 
implementations figure out whether these circumstances are met.

haberman - will take action to talk to author to see what's going on with those 

- AD feedback on 2462 update Jinmei 20 Minutes
- Goal: Resolve AD comments
- draft-ietf-ipv6-rfc2462bis-06.txt

WGLC completed in July 2004, new rev -06 published in August
submitted to IESG in Sept, AD review finished in Oct
two major issues
 - M/O flag clarification
 - confusing wording regarding 'stateful' vs dhcpv6
would like to confirm mailing list consensus in this meeting

M/O flag behaviour
 - proposed resolution - describe details on flags in separate PS doc
 - (draft-daniel-ipv6-ra-mo-flags-01.txt, just adopted as WG work item)

stateful vs dhcpv6
 - wording used as part of the 'O' flag, clarify why we use 'stateful' while 
RFC3736 calls it 'stateless', ugly but didn't want to introduce radical change 
- AD comment - it's just confusing
proposed resolution - remove 'stateful' and just use dhcpv6 instead, should be 
ok if we agree with the previous change, RFC2462bis won't use the phrase of 
'other stateful config' for the O flag. additional effects - 2461bis and M/O 
doc will need to be modified.

nordmark - 2461 uses 'stateful' in 4 or 5 places. if we change name of O flag 
to 'other config' then we're fine. replace 'stateful' with dhcpv6 as 
appropriate in 2461bis.

droms - agrees with nordmark.

other minor issues
- change on the 'A' flag
what happens if value of A flag changes over time
answer: nothing - should be pretty clear in section 5.5.3.

droms - can't think of situation were previously advertised prefix becomes 
unavailable for autonomous auto-config, but just wants to be clear that this is 
being prohibited by this

nordmark - prefixes should time out for SAAD. receiving a prefix means nothing. 
this needs to be clarified

tatuya - this doesn't seem to be a substantial issue

nordmark - if setting A flag off doesn't result in prefixes timing out for 
SAAD, then there is a problem, right?

wasserman - if previously advertised prefix is re-advertised without A flag, 
then don't stop using previously configured address. but if lifetime times out, 
then you have to stop using the addr. needs clarifications for implementors.

hain - agrees with margaret. during multi6 discussion there was some talk about 
prefixes in the RA used to determine whether this is the same link, so there 
might be a reason for RAs to turn up with A flag off (just to serve as link 

krishnan - thinks this is already clear from current text.

daley - DNA is looking at link identification. link identification using 
prefixes might be a product of DNA design team. there may be some subtleties 
here. people may be relying on what they believe existing behaviour to be, so 
clarification may be useful here.

tatuya - let's confirm consensus on mailing list, if changes are required then 
he will make them in next rev.

other issues
terminology ordering - alphabetical or 'as is'?
wasserman - it's fine as it is

need ref to addr-arch in LL conf - will do

inconsistent wording regarding DAD section. just a wording issue - replace 
lowercase 'must' with 'should' to avoid possible confusion.

next steps
verify proposed resolutions to issues are OK. several positive responses and no 
negative ones on list. so WG agreeing on course of action.

revised draft will be issued including further clarifications and changes and 
discussed above.
snapshot is available at 

hold it waiting for 2461bis? another AD comment
proceed to IETF LC anyway?

Daley - has this already completed WG LC?
Tatuya - Yes. Initial AD review has also been done.

Chairs - will send to IESG with 2461bis when that is ready.

Router selection draft update - dave thaler

draft -05 passed wg last call, submitted to IESG
several editorial nits, and 2 technical ones
draft-06 addresses all but 1 issue
editorial nits are available on issues list for this draft
all included in -06

implicit deletion (issue from Thomas Narten)
 - delete all routes if router lifetime -> 0?
 - no, requires explicit deletion of each route, therefore no change in -06
current behaviour is also consistent with Prefix Info Opts
Narten - when I made comment, I had notion that default router that stops being 
router, doesn't make sense to forward traffic to it any more. 
nordmark - there might be a useful distinction between default router = send me 
packet and i'll send it off where i can, and being a good router for default...
thaler - draft addresses this already, there is some discussion and an example 
or two
thaler - interpreation of router lifetime is lifetime of presence of router in 
default router list
some discussion between narten and thaler that went too fast for me to catch, 
but sounded like agreement :)

last two issues are separate on issues list, but turn out to be the same issue
24 dynamic routes (alex zinin), 27 end-to-end reachability (steve bellovin)

zinin has submitted text

savola - isn't this issue also in basic RA? are we trying to fix a specific 
case of a more generic problem here? is this the right place to fix this? maybe 
as this is a PS while ND is going for DS, but fixing it in ND might be more 
appropriate as that is where the problem is.

thaler - that's true

nordmark - redirects should take care of this. introducing more-specifics makes 
this more complex.

thaler - having two on-link routers that don't co-operate can be made to work 
with this.

wasserman - doesn't think this is reasonable text. agrees that routers dumping 
tables to hosts is obviously brain-dead, but this doesn't seem like it makes 

thaler - clarifies

wasserman - this still seems over-constrained. why MUST routers have this level 
of state complexity?

thaler - zinin said that not doing route-damping in this scenrio is a 'recipe 
for disaster'

savola - operationally this damping-feature is not called for. not typically 
implemented in IGPs. doesn't see the use here. does see the benefit of only 
advertising a prefix if link is up.

nordmark - two routers on link that don't co-operate is a scenario where this 
doesn't help, so what are we really solving with this.

arturo azcorra - involved in research project working on home-gateways. thinks 
home gateway will typically have capabilities for routing, security

savola - what about damping?

azcorra - don't know

hinden - being a backup or master tied to state of uplink is well-understood 
concept and there is lots of experience about that. doesn't want to tie this to 
route-damping. if you're going to do this, make sure it's stable - a general 
statement would help here, but the proposed text is too prescriptive.

pascal thubert - does MAY correspond to point 1 and point 2? point 2 explicity 
excludes some potentially useful functionality.

krishnan - this only usefully applies to home gateways, so don't need damping

savola - could be two home routers, then it might be useful. operational status 
of link only goes so far.

thaler - this is the 'better than nothing' case. authors have no preference. 
sounds like there is rough consensus to keep the first sentence, change point1 
to SHOULD and remove point2.

no objections

- Multi6 Update Nordmark 20 Minutes
- Progress update

WG is at:
identify proposals for further development - recharter

soliman - have there been any discussions about failure discovery and 
propagating that to the site
nordmark - there is a draft that talks about how to detect working path. ipv6 
transport protocols to give positive advice to L3 probes. also link-layer 
indicators. there isn't anything about routers telling hosts that prefixes 
aren't working.

itojun - is the Design Team aware that the L3 shim is basically a host-based 

nordmark - there have been exchanges about this on the multi6 list. depends 
what you mean by NAT. this is 1:1 mapping across whole system, which is not 
what NAT does. 

hinden - clarification - so IPsec would work?

nordmark - yes

itojun - presentation at app area meeting is required because you have broken 
something at L3?

nordmark - no, the issue is that if apps today are doing caching or referalls 
then they won't get benefit of the existence of multiple other locators. so 
apps need to switch to using FQDN or keep track of full list of IP locators - 
this is the message that apps area needs to hear.

hinden - this is really cool stuff, good job. in last slide, this provides 
multihoming to small sites that would never run BGP. People who run BGP have a 
solution today. don't lose the benefits for small sites by focussing on large 

nordmark - issue is middle-ground where providing some policy tweaks might 
reduce pressure for small sites to go to the BGP solution. is there something 
easy that can be done to widen applicability.

savola - of course small v4 sites solution is to use NAT.

huston - BGP is BGP. the issue about why do it this way as distinct from the 
way it is done with IPv4 is related to fundamental considerations about the 
scalability of BGP. BGP won't handle the load if multihoming for small sites 
gets popular.

soliman - do you need this if you have mobileipv6?

nordmark - interactions with mobility have to be considered.

jason schiller - need a mechanism for doing multihoming for small orgs.

hinden - does this have characteristic that people who deploy it get to be 
multihomed, or does it require other people to play ball too?

nordmark - peers don't have to be multihomed, but have to implement protocol to 
produce multihoming benefits. has been suggested that for transition reasons a 
proxy might be a nice way to go, but that proxy turns out to have nat-like 

bagnulo - need to upgrade both hosts to preserve established communications 
through outages, but there are other problems that are solved without needing 
to upgrade peers.

nordmark - You're right. One can get multihoming benefits while the 
communication is established without requiring the peer to implement the 
protocol. But if you want the multihoming benefit for established connections, 
both ends need to implement the protocol.

carpenter - full benefits needs both hosts to have code in their stacks, but 
there is no flag-day. deployment is 'creeping'. conscious choice not to solve 
mobility problem in multi6 - keen to keep these two problems orthogonal.

pascal hubert - could this replace nemo or mip route optimisation? doesn't 
know, but both groups should keep track of what each other are doing going 
forward. route-projection concept may be useful for multi6 for example. lot of 
synergies to be gained, even if requirements are not shared.

- Address Selection for multihoming Matsumoto 10 Minutes
- Goal: Informational
- draft-arifumi-multi6-sas-policy-dist-00.txt

same slides as were presented to multi6 mtg yesterday.

thaler - src and dst come from common prefix. RFC3484 rule number 7? says 
prefer longest-prefix match. don't see any other rule to override that, so 
you'd get the desired behaviour already. these examples don't seem to require 
this mechanism.

hain - the issue is where end node is talking with someone *beyond* ISP B. 
these examples don't show that.

droms - initial example also needs prefix C added to WGP-A network that has no 
more bits in common to prefixes A and B.

thaler - right, but router selection draft also deals with this. 

droms - there are cases where the router selection draft isn't enough

soliman - even if you construct a case where router selection draft isn't 
enough, it doesn't seem practical. please come back with a practical example.

hain - case 2 is already a practical example.

soliman - why isn't router selection sufficient

hain - this is a different approach to the same problem that may be desirable 
in some circumstances

thaler - agrees with hain that router selection can't help here.

soliman - but if you configure routers correctly router selection does work

hain - 'correctly' is a relative term, if you have two provider provisioned 
routers that you have no control over, they are configured according to each 
providers definition of 'correct', that may not be useful

tatuya - be more specific about prefix C that causes the problem - this will 
help to clarify the problem and the need for the solution

thaler - agrees this is a problem. not convinced this is the best way to solve 

hinden - chairs view is that this needs more consideration and discussion 
before there is any need for WG to consider what to do.

- Anycast Analysis Chairs 10 Minutes
- Goal: determine direction of the work
- draft-ietf-ipngwg-ipv6-anycast-analysis-02.txt

basic problem is that there are disagreements on content of document in IESG. 
chairs have discussed with ADs and asked them to return doc to WG so that 
issues can be addressed. will go into 'AD-is-watching' state.

also have another anycast BCP document that is being considered for adoption by 
grow WG. this is dealing with IPv4 anycast BCP at the moment. input on IPv6 
anycast is appreciated.

savola - it is useful to clarify somewhere that the role of anycast in ipv6 
specs may be slightly different than what people expect. but the issue is that 
now that we have this document on 'shared-unicast', what should the ipv6 wg be 
documenting? is it right to do this work here now given that scope might change 

lindquist - this might be better in the grow WG - it's not IPv6 specific - it's 

haberman - need to decide this as a group - will have this discussion on the 
mailing list after people have had time to digest work of itojun, kurtis and 
new anycast mailing list.

kitamura - is setting up anycast mailing list. issue is different from current 
situation with anycast. don't care if itojun's work goes to BCP in this WG or 
not - will start discussion anyway.

hinden - another WG to focus on this may be a good idea

lindquist - this is good work that needs to be done, wasn't trying to prevent 
it being done.

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