On 2005-01-25, JINMEI Tatuya / [EMAIL PROTECTED]@C#:H wrote:
> I think I should have responded during the LC period...sorry for my
> poor response.  I've checked the latest version, and I basically have
> no objection to submitting this document.

Thanks, I was pretty sure you'd be happy since the last version
was 99% there ...

> I have one additional question specific to the latest version.  This
> one has a new requirement on SEND in section 3.1:
>    * Nodes implementing Optimistic DAD SHOULD additionally implement
>         Secure Neighbor Discovery [SEND].
> I don't recall why this was added, but if this is based on a
> consensus, I don't oppose to the requirement itself.  However, I
> believe if we use this wording with the SHOULD, the reference to SEND
> must be a normative reference (even though the word "additionally"
> might weaken the requirement level).

It's just there to address security considerations ... you're right,
it should have been upgraded to a normative reference, I missed that.

> In any event, this is not a strong opinion.  If others think it's okay
> to keep it as an informative reference, I can live with that.  Also,
> even if we agree on changing the reference category, I think we can do
> that later with IESG comments.

Yep.  Thanks for your feedback on this and previous versions!


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