Hi Bob,

On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 11:28:24 -0800
Bob Hinden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mark,
> >As Martin Dunmore suggested -
> >
> >"Perhaps it would be simpler just to add some text saying that Ethernet NICs
> >that do not support 33 multicast may not (cannot?) be able to support v6?"
> Doesn't this also mean that these NICs don't completely support IEEE 
> Ethernet either?  I haven't looked in a while, but I thought that Ethernet 
> multicast was part of the base Ethernet specification.

I've just briefly looked at the 2002 revision of 802.3, and multicast /
group-addresses is definately described in it. It doesn't seem to
mention it is optional, although I haven't really done any work with
IEEE specs to know if there is some list in them somewhere consisting of
required and optional compliance features. The 1500 pages if the 802.3
spec is quite a lot to read :-)


(As a side note, just in case people don't know, you can now download
fairly recent PDF revisions of quite a number of the 802 specs for free
from http://www.ieee802.org, as long as you don't redistribute them.)


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