Dave Thaler wrote:
This question was asked during the meeting, and yes we did think through
the details.

Consider the case where you only use the P-bit scheme.
However, on each segment, there could be standard L2 bridges
which don't use NDproxy.  Those L2 bridges are responsible for
ensuring that that segment is loop-free.

To P-bit NDproxies, NDproxies which run STP are the same in this
respect as normal L2 bridges.

This means that the STP-running sub-cloud need to be P-bit transparent, right?

Thus if there is an upstream which sets the P-bit, then any downstreams from the sub-cloud should receive the P-bit.
To do that the ndproxy nodes which run STP need to behave quite differently than then ones that don't run STP. What are the exact rules for them?
Are they
- ignore any P-bit
- make sure any RAs that are received with the P-bit set are proxied (transmitted) with the P-bit


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