At Wed, 6 Apr 2005 23:50:52 -0700, Fred Baker wrote:
> proposed text...

While I appreciate the effort that Fred put into crafting text, I'd
prefer Brian's original proposal.  The only parts of this set of
anycast issues that's specific to IPv6 are the restrictions that the
IPv6 address architecture doc imposes on use of anycast in IPv6.  The
rest of the issues are IP-version-independent, and are already under
consideration in another WG which has the relevant routing expertise.
So I think the best thing for the IPv6 WG per se to do would be to
clear up the old IPv6-specific restrictions, then bow out gracefully.

If folks from the IPv6 WG want to wander over to GROW and chat about
the issues Fred's proposed text attempts to document, that sounds like
a fine and useful thing, and I'm sure that the folks over in GROW
would be happy to get additional eyes reviewing their work, but to me
that looks like a separate activity in a separate WG and does not need
to be tightly coupled to the IPv6 address architecture doc.

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