On 7 Apr 2005, at 12:23, Fred Baker wrote:

My problem is that the current text precludes the grow work. I am not trying to specify it; I am trying to permit it.

Remind me what Brian's original text proposal was?

In my note to the IESG, I requested that the following text in draft-ietf-ipv6-addr-arch-v4-02 be simply removed from section 2.6:

There is little experience with widespread, arbitrary use of Internet
anycast addresses, and some known complications and hazards when
using them in their full generality [ANYCST]. Until more experience
has been gained and solutions are specified, the following
restrictions are imposed on IPv6 anycast addresses:

o An anycast address must not be used as the source address of an
IPv6 packet.

      o An anycast address must not be assigned to an IPv6 host, that
        is, it may be assigned to an IPv6 router only.

Brian's note, which quotes draft-jabley-v6-anycast-clarify-00, is below.


On Apr 6, 2005, at 10:22 AM, Brian Haberman wrote:

I am soliciting input on a proposal to modify the rules defined
in the current addressing architecture draft with respect to anycast.
There is a proposal in draft-jabley-v6-anycast-clarify-00.txt to change
the following text in the addressing architecture:

o An anycast address must not be used as the source address of an
IPv6 packet.

      o An anycast address must not be assigned to an IPv6 host, that
         is, it may be assigned to an IPv6 router only.


   o  An anycast address MAY be used as the source address of an IPv6
   o  An anycast address MAY be assigned to an IPv6 host.

This change will allow users to operate IPv6 anycast services in the same
manner in which they do today with IPv4 anycast.

I would like people to chime in before April 15, 2005 with their opinion on
making this change.

It should be noted that the addressing architecture is currently in IETF Last

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