For info, the copy of the ARIN proposal I have seen says:

"   6.11 Assignments to End-sites with Autonomous System Numbers

     Any  end-site which meets the current criteria for assignment of an
     autonomous  system  number  (ASN)  shall  also qualify for one IPv6
     prefix  assignment  of  the  minimum  size justified under the ARIN
     guidelines  for  assignment by an LIR. If the organization grows to
     require more space, it will not be entitled to an additional block,
     but  rather  may obtain a new, replacement block of sufficient size
     to  meet  its needs in exchange for making the commitment to return
     its existing block within 24 months, so that it may be reassigned."

Presumably if the end-site wishes to route the /32(?) globally as PI then
it is probably likely to need an ASN anyway?   

But it could be a /48, as per the IX allocations, presumably?


On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 02:03:37PM +0200, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> I agree that this is the best approach right now.
>    Brian C
> Brian Haberman wrote:
> >IPv6 WG,
> >     This is a status update on the centrally-allocated ULAs defined in
> >draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-01.txt.  At this time the chairs believe it
> >is prudent to gain operational experience with the locally-assigned
> >ULA specification (which is currently in the RFC Editor's Queue)
> >before continuing work on the centrally-allocated mechanism.
> >
> >     The chairs would like to solicit input from WG members on this
> >approach.  Please state your support or disagreement with this
> >approach.  Those who disagree, please state rationale for wanting
> >to continue this work at this time.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Brian & Bob
> >IPv6 WG co-chairs
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