--> -----Original Message-----
--> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
--> Brian Haberman
--> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 2:28 PM
--> To: Thomas Narten
--> Cc: Margaret Wasserman; ipv6@ietf.org
--> Subject: Re: last minute review of 
--> draft-ietf-ipv6-addr-arch-v4-03.txt
--> Hi Thomas,
--> On May 12, 2005, at 12:50, Thomas Narten wrote:
--> > I know this is late, but better late than never...
--> >
--> > Overall, the document is good, but I think that the document would
--> > benefit from slight tweaking w.r.t. to multicast. I.e., I assume that
--> > an "addressing architecture" should be complete and at a minimum offer
--> > pointers to the relevant pieces. I don't think it quite does that in
--> > the case of multicast.
--> >
--> >> 2.7 Multicast Addresses
--> >
--> > This section only mentions the T flag, and not the P flag. That doesnt
--> > seem right, since the P flag is clearly in use now and not "0". Was
--> > there a concern about a possible normative reference? I don't think
--> > there needs to be. Suggestion:
--> >
--> > Old:
--> >>                                       +-+-+-+-+
--> >>         flgs is a set of 4 flags:     |0|0|0|T|
--> >>                                       +-+-+-+-+
--> >
--> > New:
--> >
--> >                                       +-+-+-+-+
--> >         flgs is a set of 4 flags:     |0|0|P|T|
--> >                                       +-+-+-+-+
--> >
--> > and then add something like:
--> >
--> >     The definition and use of the P bit can be found in [RFC 3307].
--> >
--> > and make the reference informative.
--> Bob and I discussed this and he will be putting text together that
--> clarifies the bits with informative references to RFC 3306 (not 3307)
--> and RFC 3956.
--> >
--> > Also, there are no IANA considerations for multicast addresses. But,
--> > if you look at the IANA web page
--> > (http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-multicast-addresses), it says:
--> >
--> >> IPv6 multicast addresses are defined in "IP Version 6 Addressing
--> >> Architecture" [RFC2373].  This defines fixed scope and variable scope
--> >> multicast addresses.
--> >
--> > But, this document doesn't use the terminology "fixed" or "variable"
--> > scope. So things seem out of alignment. Does this document need to
--> > straighten things out?
--> >
--> > Or, maybe it's the case that RFC 3307 is (now) the definitive
--> > document?  (IANA doesn't seem to have picked up anything from
--> > there...). But 3307 document doesn't seem to use the "fixed/variable"
--> > terminoligy either.
--> >
--> > So, it's not immediately clear to me what is needed to get the IANA
--> > page cleaned up, but since it _might_ involve tweaking text in this
--> > document, I think it would be good to understand  what needs to be
--> > done before approving this document.
--> >
--> > It's also not immediately clear to me that this document and rfc 3307
--> > are completely aligned, e.g., in terms of consistent terminology. And
--> > this document doesn't seem to reference 3307, which seems incomplete.
--> This is a bigger problem than should be handled in an addressing
--> architecture document.

Wouldn't it make sense for this document to at least mention that 
there is a synchronization error in terminology used by IANA with
respect to terminology used in this document?

--> My suggestion is that we work this issue through the IAB's Ad-hoc IPv6
--> group since they are already focusing on registry clean-up.  This can be
--> another sub-bullet on that work list.  I think trying to document to 
--> IANA that they need to overall a registry in this spec will be too 
--> confusing.
--> Regards,
--> Brian
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--> ipv6@ietf.org
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