Pekka and Bob,

> On Fri, 20 May 2005, Bob Hinden wrote:
> > Also, I am not sure I understand what the problem is regarding knowing when 
> > to try using DHCPv6.  For practical purposes, if there isn't a router 
> > present 
> > (indicated by the RAs it sends) is very unlikely that there will be a 
> > DHCPv6 
> > server either (or it won't be reachable because the router is down).  If 
> > the 
> > "m" and/or "o" bits are set in a RA, it is a pretty good hint that a host 
> > might try to use DHCPv6 and see what it gets.  If the "m" or "o" bits are 
> > not 
> > set, then it's a pretty good hint that there isn't much sense in trying to 
> > use DHCPv6.
> Actually, the lack of M or O bits is not as good a hint as their 
> existence.  If we wanted a _good_ hint about non-existence of DHCPv6 
> (for addresses or config information), we'd have to have different 
> flag(s) like "Yes, I'm aware of what DHCPv6 is, but we don't use it in 
> this network".  That allows disambiguation from "Yes, we do have a 
> couple of DHCPv6 servers, but we weren't aware you should configure 
> this stuff in the RAs, because with v4 you don't".
> But I'm not sure that disambiguation is worth the effort.
> That said, I support the clarification.  In a sense I agree with 
> Thomas et al that the ra-mo-flags spec goes beyond the bare minimum 
> what the IETF specifications must specify -- it documents the policies 
> and behaviours which most vendors would implement in any case, but 
> these kind of knobs have often been left out of our specs.  However, 
> as there has been so much confusion and discussion of M/O flags, I 
> think this specification is useful, and also allows vendors (who want 
> to) to implement the knobs in a uniform manner.

I'll have to re-read the draft, but I think that documenting the M/O bits
sufficiently so that nodes and networks will be able to interoperate
in a reasonable way.  Documenting the basic policies and rules, IMO,
are a good thing.  Would a BCP-type document be a reasonable way to 
achieve this?


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