At 01:58 p.m. 07/07/2005, Bob Hinden wrote:

A friend sent me this reference. I have not looked into this in detail, so
this may be a well-known problem:

There is a thread on /. about this today as well. I think most of this is old news.

The attacks are not new, and that's acknowledged in the draft. However, there were not counter-measures for them. Have a look at the NISCC and CERT/CC vulnerability reports, and see the number of implementations affected.

The new ICMPv6 update that is being worked on has a major revision to the Security Considerations section that should cover these issues.

Yes. We discussed this some time ago, and Mukesh has already addressed these issues in the ICMPv6 update.

If I remember correctly, the work in V6OPS that the article refers to was fed into the new ICMPv6 draft.

I don't think so. However, the current ICMPv6 update defines the semantics of ICMPv6 error messages, and thus allows anything that runs over IPv6 to handle ICMP error messages in what they think is the best way. Thus allowing the "TCP's reaction to soft errors" thing to be implemented without violating the specs (as is the case with IPv4), for example.

The IPv6-related stuff will be updated in the next revision of my draft, which should be ready in the next few days. If you consider it appropriate, I can announce the draft on this list, too, so that we can discuss the v6-specific stuff.

Kindest regards,

Fernando Gont

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