| Regarding the assignment size, when we held JP Open Policy
 | Meeting last week, there are many voices saying that
 | varying assignment size is too much impact on the current
 | commercial service not in its network operation but also
 | for the low-cost routing devices handling /48.
 | According to them, they have already been in service,
 | so they consider that it is not practical to change the
 | assignment policy. But at the same time, ISPs need to make
 | their best effort to achieve the goal of "conservation" still
 | existing in the policy even it is not the first priority.

Actually, some providers have already assigned /48 based on current
recommendation in their commercial service, and as Kosuke said, it
will have a large impact to change the assignemnt size.

I've looked up the assignemnt size used in JP regison:


This is slightly dated information, and recently, at least one
provider has been starting commercial IPv6 services with /48
assignment. This service is targeted on residential users.

 | Is it practical to change in other regions?

I also would like to know about this.

Tomohiro Fujisaki

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