In your previous mail you wrote:

   It's important that the solution allows the tool to discover multiple
   addresses used by a single node, i.e. the management view should show
   a multiaddressed node (e.g. two globals and seven RFC3041 addresses on
   one node) and not believe it's viewing multiple separate nodes (which is
   a fault that a number of existing tools have, as we witnessed when running
   some renumbering scenario tests).   
=> my default passive tool (ND table dump on routers via MIB/SNMP) gives
all in use addresses of hosts and all addresses of routers. Explicit
queries of hosts by SNMP or ICMP name lookups should give more (even
too much :-).

   It's important that multiaddressing is considered normal behaviour for
   management of IPv6 nodes.
=> I fully agree.


PS: for hosts the question is about direct or indirect management: direct
gives more but needs tools (agents) on each host and raises security/privacy
issues. Indirect is more standard but works only for "active" hosts, usually
it is enough because "inactive"/invisible nodes are less sources of troubles.

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