Hi John,
I think DHCP server is used to find TFTP server, time server, Gateway,
and maybe DNS too.
I don't think it can be used to find Printers or other video application
or VoIP server etc. 
Maybe a DHCP expert can comment more on it.
Generally DHCP server exist in the Service provider network, thus the
customer DHCP Request may have to go through a DHCP Relay agent to reach
the DHCP Server. Though DHCP server can also exist in the customer
network too.
Morever, in Stateless address configuration a DHCP server may not exist

IMHO, I feel that address discovery and service discovery are separate
and best done by separate server for each.

- Abhijit 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 12:22 PM
To: Abhijit Chaudhary (abchaudh); ipv6@ietf.org
Subject: RE: IPv6 Service Discovery

What sort of Application Service are you talking about?  I know folks
look at using DHCP for configuring this kind of information, if I
understand you correctly.

-----Original Message-----
ext Abhijit Chaudhary (abchaudh)
Sent: 04 August, 2005 08:23
To: ipv6@ietf.org
Subject: IPv6 Service Discovery

I have question regarding IPv6 auto service discovery. 
Suppose a IPv6 Mobile Host comes and joins a network. Using Stateful or
Stateless Address Configuration mentioned in ICMPv6 Router
Advertisement message it gets a IPv6 address. 
But if the mobile host want to know the nearest printer IP address or
the proxy address or DNS server address (i.e, IP address of Responder
mentioned in draft-ietf-ipngwg-icmp-name-lookups-12.txt).
Is there any draft or RFC that talks about a procedure to get
information about Server providing application Service for IPv6?
If not, I am of the impression that we can add a new option to Router
Advertisement message called "Application Service Discovery Proxy". This
option will contain the IPv6 address and Link-Layer address of the
"Application Service Discovery Proxy". This proxy will contain all the
information of the available application service in the network and the
corresponding servers. The new option will look as below:
      |     Type         |    Length             |            Reserved
      |           IPv6 Address of Application  Service Discovery Proxy
      |  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |

      ~         Link-Layer Address of  Service Discovery Proxy
The Message Exchange is described below:
1) Router Advertisement will contain the Application Service Discovery
Proxy Option
                                  "Router Advertisement with Application
Service Discovery Proxy Option"
---------------------------------------------------------> Host
2) Host gets the Address of the Application Service Discovery Proxy and
stores it. Suppose, the host wants printing service, it uses some
protocol (maybe UDP or XML over HTTP or ICMPv6) to discover services
from the Application Service Discovery Proxy.
    For Printing service the message as below:
                                        "Give me printer service
           1.     Host
---------------->  Application Service Discovery Proxy 
"Printer IPv6 address = x, Printer LL address = y"
           2.     Application Service Discovery Proxy
---------------------------> Host
                                           "Sends data to be printed" 
           3.     Host
Let me know what you guys feel about it.
- Abhijit

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