
On Mon 26 Sep '05 at 13:57 Francis Dupont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  In your previous mail you wrote:
>    > => RFC 3849 is different because it wants to limit the scope of the
>    > doc prefix. In KHI we simply don't want to see the prefix in IP headers
>    > so the requirement (don't route) is stronger than filtering.
>    RFC 3849 seems to be very similar imho, as it suggests using packet
>    filters to stop forwarding, as well as filtering the prefix from routing.
> => RFC 3849 implements a limit (so your term stop is not fully correct),
> KHI implements an interdiction.

,----[RFC 3849]----
|    This assignment implies that IPv6 network operators should add this
|    address prefix to the list of non-routeable IPv6 address space, and
|    if packet filters are deployed, then this address prefix should be
|    added to packet filters.

Packet filters are an interdiction; a deny typically always sends an ICMPv6
Destination Unreachable, Admin Prohibited.

>    You shouldn't see the documentation prefix in the src or dst of any packet.
> => this is not true at all: inside a documentation site the documentation
> prefix is virtually routed. BTW it is not a /64 but a /32.

I should have been clearer, inside the DFZ you shouldn't see the documentation

You also probably shouldn't see it within a site, but that's why the RFC
recommends adding it to filters, to stop it leaking out.

>    Placing a requirement directly on routers is a lot tougher than placing a
>    requirement on the operators. To support the current wording, every router
>    vendor would have to update their code,
> => no, this needs only configuration.

I'm glad that was the intended behaviour.


Alun Evans
IOS Software Engineer, cisco Systems.

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