Before submitting the new text, I went back and tried to find out what the difference is between an MAC-48 and an EUI-48. In the document:

I found the following:
"The (obsolete label) MAC-48 is a concatenation of a 24-bit OUI assigned by the IEEE Registration Authority and a 24-bit extension identifier assigned by the organization with that OUI assignment.

The EUI-48™ is a concatenation of a 24-bit OUI value assigned by the IEEE Registration Authority and a 24-bit extension identifier assigned by the organization with that OUI assignment."


"The use of the MAC-48 identifier is obsolete; the EUI-48 or EUI-64 should be used in current and future applications requiring the use of unique 48-bit identifiers."

My reading of this is that from a technical point of view MAC-48 and EUI-48 are equivalant. They are both have the same definition:

Mac-48: "a concatenation of a 24-bit OUI assigned by the IEEE Registration Authority and a 24-bit extension identifier assigned by the organization with that OUI assignment"

EUI-48: "a concatenation of a 24-bit OUI value assigned by the IEEE Registration Authority and a 24-bit extension identifier assigned by the organization with that OUI assignment"

They both use the same 24-bit OUI values. It looks to me like IEEE decided to deprecate the name MAC-48. Why IEEE choose to have two different ways to create EUI-64 from these 48-bit identifiers is a mystery to me. As far as bits on the wire, EUI-48 and MAC-48 appear to be exactly the same. The link in Jinmei's email that started this discussion confirms this:

"The distinction between EUI-48 and MAC-48 identifiers is purely semantic: MAC-48 is used for network hardware; EUI-48 is used to identify other sorts of devices and software. (Thus, by definition, an EUI-48 is not in fact a "MAC address", although it is syntactically indistinguishable from one and assigned from the same numbering space.)"

I will still plan to submit the new text as it clarifies our use of these identifiers.


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