Le Mardi 30 Mai 2006 09:42, Arifumi Matsumoto a écrit :
> About SIP and P2P applications,
> especially nowadays, they are already NAT-aware.

They might be in a few years. They are definitely not yet, but OK, the 
updated spec is not there yet either.

> So, even when you use a private IPv4 address under NAT router,
> ULA/Teredo will be chosen for www.kame.net(whcih has public A and
> AAAA) because ULA and Teredo has global scope.

Ok, thanks for the clarification.

> >> Similarly, it might (?) be nice to have a (IPv4) NAT-friendly
> >> application profile and a NAT-unfriendly one, though they might be
> >> caveats that I've not thought of.
> Yes, it sounds good if a host can detect NAT and use appropriate
> address selection profile. But I guess the detection system will be
> so complicated because the system has to be stateful and dynamic.

I was actually thinking about selecting in the software rather than 
host-wide, such as through a new flag for 
getaddrinfo()'s “hints.ai_flags”.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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