On Fri, Dec 01, 2006 at 03:33:59PM +0200, Markku Savela wrote:
> I was countered that these MLD's were needed for some "intelligent"
> bridges to get neighbor discovery work. My view was that such layer 2
> sniffing devices should not generate requirements to IP layer, and all
> information for them would have been available from the ND messages
> anyway (now the join to solicited address group goes back-to-back with
> duplicate address test -- same info in both packets essentially).
> But, I was "shouted" down, so I don't oppose it either.

I certainly have some sympthy with that view, but also as a site with
multiple IPv6 multicast video sources we do appreciate the functionality
that MLD snooping offers us.

We'd also be quite happy to see other IPv6-specific snooping, e.g. adding
RA snooping could be quite useful.

Not trying to reignite a debate, just saying it's useful operationally.


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