Pars Mutaf writes:
> Dot-local DNS is also very useful in MANETs. However, you have
> to flood the network to resolve a name. This consumes bandwidth
> and energy in the whole network.

It isn't just multicast DNS that depends on the use of multicast --
there are many protocols (including neighbor discovery) that will
either fail to work properly if multicast is outlawed or will need
modifications or limitations.

This sounds like a syntax error to me.  The system in question
apparently wants to use what are effectively point-to-point links but
is instead modeling as a crippled broadcast-type network.

I say "apparently," because the proposal below wouldn't work unless
there's some central node involved.  As part of resolving that IPv6
link-local address to an L2 address, nodes will send multicast
neighbor solicitations.  The apparent fact that this doesn't wake
everyone up means that the network is already partitioned.

Given that use of multicast typically isn't a privileged operation,
how does that central node stop someone from draining everyone else's
batteries anyway, even if this one protocol is fixed?

>             link-local subnet prefix | 64bithash("johnsmith.local")
> where hash is SHA1, and '|' means concatenation. It can be noted 
> that 64bithash("johnsmith.local") is the IPv6 interface ID.
> The link-local subnet prefix is constant and well-known.

So, the proposal is that if the hash collides for different names,
then "johnsmith.local" must rename himself, right?

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sun Microsystems / 1 Network Drive         71.232W   Vox +1 781 442 2084
MS UBUR02-212 / Burlington MA 01803-2757   42.496N   Fax +1 781 442 1677

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