On 2007-07-03 11:27, Perry Lorier wrote:

And actually that is where we seem to be at odds. I fear that ULA-G will leak. That's all.
So I might be a bit naive here, but why is this a problem? ISP's that are worried that they're routers can't deal with ULA addresses in their DFZ will filter all ULA addresses. ISP's that want ULA's in their DFZ will make sure they dimension their routers such that they can deal with it. Other ISP's will find some kind of middle ground where they have some ULA prefixes,The DFZ is certainly not the same everywhere on the Internet, by making ULA's easily filterable it gives operators a place to start if they want to filter.

Of course. But by leak, as I think was clear in later mail, I meant leak
deliberately under economic pressure. Accidental leakage would be
statistically insignificant, I assume, and easily filtered out as you


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