> This is not correct. PI is not available from 2 RIRs, and there is not a
> clear view of when it will become available. In one of them, because the
> timing of the Policy Development Process, it will take at least 15 months to
> get it implemented and this in the case it is approved in the next meeting
> in almost one year from now.

In other words you are trying to get "ULA PI" because the RIR policies
take too long? You do realize that the ULA policies will have to also go
through the same RIR communities and that they will be handled with the
same skepticism as that those "PI" proposals (which allow a single
end-user site to get a /32, which is really laughable) are being dealt with.

> In the other one, even PA is not available unless you have 200 customers
> (this is the same in other RIRs that already have PI).

The IETF is not the place to discuss RIR policies. If the people who
want to force through the new policies made up policies which actually
made any sense and where fair to everybody then they would have been
accepted already.

With the current views on ULA (lets see how the next update of the draft
will be) it is nothing more than just another variant of PI with a very
weak attempt to avoid RIR policies, nothing else.

If you really want to have "PI" in those RIR regions then come up with a
good policy proposal on the RIR list, don't try to push it through. That
is not how consensus works.


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