Jari Arkko writes:
> Change in Section 2.1 as follows:
> OLD:
>     No IPv6-Compression-Protocol field values are currently
>     assigned. Specific assignments will be made in documents that
>     define specific compression algorithms.
> NEW:
>     IPv6-Compression-Protocol field values have been assigned in
>     [RFC2023] for IPv6 Header Compression (004f), [RFC2507, RFC3544]
>     for IP Header Compression (0061), and [RFC3241] for Robust Header
>     Compression (ROHC) (0003). Other assignments can be made in
>     documents that define specific future compression algorithms.

I don't believe that the reference to 2023 is correct here.  As a
matter of history, that document did declare 004f for a presumably
VJ-like compression scheme (analogous to IPv4), but I know of no
actual documentation of such a scheme that was ever published, nor any

RFC 2023 was obsoleted by 2472, which removed the never-used 004f
reference.  RFC 2472, in turn, is now obsoleted by 5072, which puts us
in a somewhat unstable state as the still-in-use IPv6-Compression-
Protocol option was removed from that document, pending this draft's

I know of no reason to refer to the old 2023 assignment of 004f.

(When we talked, I thought we were talking strictly about the history
of the assignment, and I should have noted that at least going
forward, it's dead.)

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sun Microsystems / 35 Network Drive        71.232W   Vox +1 781 442 2084
MS UBUR02-212 / Burlington MA 01803-2757   42.496N   Fax +1 781 442 1677

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