Hi Marshall,

On 26/02/09 03:34 PM, Marshall Eubanks wrote:

On Feb 26, 2009, at 3:16 PM, Suresh Krishnan wrote:

Hi Marshall,
I had a quick glance over the draft and I am not convinced that it will handle a certain class of errors.

Consider that the UDP header of the encapsulating IPv6 packet gets corrupted and the destination port gets changed to say 2280 from the AMT port (2268). This error will never be detected by the receiver and the receiver will not be able to decapsulate the multicast packet and send it on its way. If the UDP checksum was properly calculated, this error would have been detected.

But, if the checksum was there, wouldn't the packet be dropped ? So isn't the result a dropped packet
anyway ?

If the checksum was there, the packet would not be passed on to a wrong application (the app listening on port 2280) and probably be interpreted wrongly as payload for that application. Imagine that the port gets changed to 80 and the tunneled packet is interpreted as http.

We thought about security issues here (suppose a man in the middle attack changes the port to, say, 80), but we couldn't figure out a security issue that the attacker couldn't just do anyway (they don't need AMT to throw random packets to port 80, and could recalculate the checksum if it were used anyway).

I was not thinking of this as an attack vector. Just an unhandled error with non-malicious senders.


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