
Yes, but nothing in the IEEE spec states anything that using the FF and FE
bits to supplant a MAC 48 is an absolute requirement for the Modified
EUI-64..  If so, please show me, I didn't find anything.


Jeremy Duncan

INFOSEC 3, IPv6 Architect
Command Information
Office: (703) 767-6167
Cell: (703) 598-1193

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Dunn, Jeffrey H.
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 9:00 AM
To: Bob Hinden; Duncan, Richard J. (Jeremy) CONTRACTOR
Subject: RE: Implementation specific Interface-ID

Vijay et al.,

RFC 4291 states in section 5.1:

"For all unicast addresses, except those that start with the binary value
000, Interface IDs are required to be 64 bits long and to be constructed in
Modified EUI-64 format."

Further, RFC 4291 is referenced in RFC 2464 (actually, it is the previous
version) as providing further guidance on the formation of Interface ID's.

As a result, it appears to me that your methodology is not compliant with
either RFC 2464 or 4291. That said, DAD should take care of any operational
problems associated with not using the modified EUI-64. Further, since you
appear to be using 64-bit Interface ID's , all the implementations I have
come across should interoperate with your methodology.

Best Regards, 
Jeffrey Dunn
Info Systems Eng., Lead
MITRE Corporation.
(301) 448-6965 (mobile)

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Bob
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 7:51 AM
To: Duncan, Richard J. (Jeremy) CONTRACTOR
Subject: Re: Implementation specific Interface-ID


> Vijay-
> The only thing I could find is that it's just standard practice to use 
> FF FE.. For example, if you use privacy extensions then there is no FF 
> FE because its address is hashed right?

No, there is no FF FE because the IIDs created by RFC4941 have local
significance.  From section 3.2.1:

        3. Take the leftmost 64-bits of the MD5 digest and set bit 6 (the
leftmost bit is numbered 0) to zero. This creates an interface identifier
with the universal/local bit indicating local significance only.

IIDs with local significance only need to be unique on the link.   
Suggest reading the IID relateds sections and appendix in RFC4291.

> I think it's just a 16 bit filler for a MAC 48..  See below from the 

The FFEE is used to extend an EUI-48 to an EUI-64.  It is defined in the
Section titled "Encapsulated EUI-48 values".  Namely, "A unique
EUI-64 value is generated by concatenating the company_id, an FFFE valued
label, and the extension identifier values".

> Even RFC 4291 didn't really go into much detail either..

RFC4291 references the above mentioned EUI64.html document.


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