> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rémi Després [mailto:remi.desp...@free.fr]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 3:03 AM
> To: Christian Huitema
> Cc: Brian E Carpenter; Xing Li; 6man; Behave WG; Dave Thaler
> Subject: Re: Perils of structured host identifiers (was: Modified EUI-
> 64 format)
> Christian,
> Thanks for this analysis.
> Caution is indeed a must before any amendment of a basic document.
> As my proposal is, its relationship with cryptographically generated
> addresses (and with secure neighbor discovery which uses it) should
> however not be a problem.
> The proposal is, in short:
> Point-1: u and g rules apply ONLY to IPv6 addresses that may be used
> on IPv6 links (real or virtual).

Disagree on multiple accounts.

First, as I stated in other threads the "g" rule doesn't apply to
IPv6 addresses.  It only applies to IEEE EUI-64's (not Modified EUI-64's
or interface identifiers).

Second, it's not true that they only apply to addresses used on IPv6 links.
The u/l bit is reserved for global use as Brian Carpenter also noted.

> Point-2: in IIDs, the only escape combination of u and g bits MAY be
> used for ALL possible new IID formats (having universal OR local
> scopes).

I can't parse the above sentence.

> - Since CGAs are to be used on IPv6 links, they are not concerned
> with Point-1.

Disagree, see above.

> - Besides, CGAs are compatible with the u and g bits rule (per RFC
> 3972 where step 6 is "Form an interface identifier from Hash1 by
> writing the value of  Sec into the three leftmost bits and by setting
> bits 6 and 7 (i.e., the "u" and "g" bits) to zero."
> They are therefore not concerned with point-2.
> It is true that secure neighbor discovery of the RFC-3971 SEND
> protocol cannot apply to any new IID format that has the escape value
> 1-1 of u-g bits.
> But NEW IIDs that cannot be subject to SEND may be useful too (like
> existing and largely deployed IIDs that are based on MAC addresses
> are useful despite their impossible use in SEND).
> Point-2 is only to avoid that new IID formats using the escape
> combination would be a priori restricted to IIDs having universal
> scope.
> So, be cautious, yes, but if analysis shows that some restrictions
> lack technical justification, and may render some progress more
> complex or impossible, don't be timorous and relax them.
> Regards,
> RD
> > May I throw a dose of caution in this debate about host identifiers
> > formats?
> >
> > Many transition mechanisms rely on encoding information in the 64
> > bit host identifier. This is of course a tempting design point,
> > because it diminishes the amount of state that servers have to
> > keep. For example, Teredo encodes mapped port numbers and IPv4
> > addresses in the host identifiers, so Teredo servers can be
> > stateless. ISATAP uses a similar mechanism, and a number of
> > proposals follow the same design. But the gain, the reduction of
> > server load, comes at a cost. I am guilty, I did it with Teredo,
> > but I still would like to encourage designers of new protocols to
> > consider the downside of these "structured identifiers" encoding
> > when they consider new approaches.
> >
> > Structured host identifiers are incompatible with cryptographically
> > generated addresses, as used in SEND and proposed in SHIM6. We can
> > argue that SEND is a local protocol, and that the use of SEND can
> > be decided on a subnet basis. However, cryptographically binding
> > addresses to public keys has huge potential, not just inside
> > subnets. Think about secure mobility, secure re-homing,
> > opportunistic IPSEC, and other kinds of end-to-end security.
> > Standardizing structured identifiers breaks that.
> >
> > Structured identifiers are not compatible with privacy address
> > extensions. Moreover, embedding addresses in identifiers discloses
> > information that would otherwise have remained hidden behind the
> > NAT and the firewall. The IPv4 address encoded in the host
> > identifier is passed to third parties, stored in server logs. The
> > third parties now have access to the local addresses used inside
> > the corporation. They can analyze subnet structure. At a minimum,
> > this should be a privacy concern.
> >
> > Combining embedded addresses with stateless servers opens the door
> > to various kind of denial of service attacks. We analyzed several
> > such attacks in the security analysis of Teredo, but the attacks
> > are not specific to Teredo. The attacks derive from the stateless
> > nature of the transition mechanism. A transition router, relay or
> > gateway will receive a packet, extract the IPv4 next hop from the
> > structured identifier, and blindly relay the packet towards that
> > next hop, whether that next hop participates in the transition
> > scheme or not. Based on that, attackers can build denial of service
> > attacks, can hide their tracks in reflection attacks, can spoof
> > addresses.
> >
> > The alternative is obviously to leave the identifier unstructured,
> > and to require transition servers to maintain the required mapping
> > state. For example, if I had to redesign Teredo today, I would
> > require servers to maintain tables of mapping between the Teredo
> > hosts that they serve and the corresponding mapped addresses. This
> > would increase the cost of servers somewhat, but it would improve
> > security and privacy aspects of the protocol. The same could easily
> > be done for ISATAP, letting routers use a variation of non-
> > multicast neighbor discovery to enable traffic.
> >
> > I would like to encourage designers of new transition schemes to
> > study that alternative. Leave the host identifier unstructured, or
> > maybe use SEND as a structure. Keep the transition state in a
> > transition server. Use caching to increase reliability and diminish
> > server load.
> >
> > -- Christian Huitema
> >
> >
> >

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