> I think the simplest solution to (2) is, frankly, to open connections
at some
> rate (if I have N addresses and my peer has M, send a SYN-or- whatever
> successive pairs in the cross-product every K milliseconds until I get
> on one of them, and then close all other sessions). 


I think what Fred mentioned is the only real way we're going to solve
the address selection problem.  If you don't try pairs and select which
one works first, then you're stuck trying to outguess the network design
at the operating system layer.  Any approach to do this will work in
some cases and fail in others.  It would be very hard for the IETF to
judge whether some combination of approaches works more often than it
fails - because that would involve some notion of what a "typical"
network topology is.

- Wes
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