On 2010-10-02 08:47, Yiu L. Lee wrote:
> (Sorry for sending an empty email by hitting the "send" by accident)
> Hi Brian and Remi,
> If I understand correctly, RFC 3697 allows the packet source to design how
> the FL should be generated. In the GI-DS-lite case, the source is the GW
> which is a trusted device inside the network, the FL will be used between
> the Gateway and AFTR, so the security risk is fairly low. The only
> limitation is each GW (BRAS) can support up to 2^20 (~1M) CPEs. I think 1M
> per BRAS is a high number, I don't know this will cause any real issue in
> real deployment.

Indeed, that is an engineering question, not a standards compliance
question. If the flow label is only a small increment on the
per-customer state in the BRAS, I suppose it's OK, but that's
for a BRAS designer to decide.

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