On Oct 2, 2010, at 13:10, Fernando Gont wrote:

> FWIW, not only I do not have a ipr-illustrated lawyer, but I'm not
> willing to pay for a lawyer to illustrate me about something I'm not
> planning to implement or ship myself, either.


current patent law has many interesting properties (read: deep flaws).
One of the most interesting ones is that it consistently tends to put at a 
disadvantage (i.e., threatens to severely punish) those who openly admit or 
claim to know anything.

If you find a discussion of patent issues in an open forum, the participants 
were either
-- forced at gunpoint
-- at least mildly suicidal
-- or don't even know as much about patent law to at least recognize this 

The conclusion may not be easily accessible to the logical, "I want to work 
based on the actual facts" minds that you would typically find in us engineers, 
but the advice to consult a lawyer is exactly to the point.
(If you cannot do that, you can still try to gather some hearsay in an 
unrecorded hallway conversation.)

Gruesse, Carsten

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