From: Randy Bush [] 
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 11:04 AM
To: George, Wes E [NTK]
Cc: Miya Kohno; Mark Smith; 6man Mailing List
Subject: Re: 6MAN WG Last Call: <draft-ietf-6man-prefixlen-p2p-00.txt>

the list of things which are orthogonal or out of scope is exceedingly large.  
perhaps we do not want to start enumerating it. 

[WES] Within reason, I agree. This isn’t meant to be a compendium of everything 
the document does not talk about, and I wasn't asking for it (nor was anyone 
else AFAIK). However, I don’t think it’s too much to identify this specific 
item as out of scope since the question was already asked.

can we focus on the doughnut, not the hole?  you wanted to push this through 
now, as opposed to cleaning up details such as full CIDR. if we are to be drawn 
into the whirlpool, the I would like to put that in, depricate subnet  
nevercast, ... are you sure you really want to unravel this?

[WES] Asking for some clarification in the document to address legitimate ways 
that this may break and answer questions posed by a reviewer is not unraveling 
it. My comments in Beijing referred to being opposed to expanding the scope of 
this document to handle other sizes of address blocks, mainly because I don’t 
believe that the argument to do that is nearly as compelling nor as easy to 
gain consensus on, and I want to choose my battles. No, I don’t want to see 
this delayed with a bunch of minutae and nits that don't ultimately improve the 
document, but the reason I highlighted a couple of things Mark said is that I’m 
not convinced that these are all minutiae and nits.

Wes George

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