Hi John,

On 11-03-14 06:55 PM, John Leslie wrote:
internet-dra...@ietf.org <internet-dra...@ietf.org> wrote:
        Title           : An uniform format for IPv6 extension headers
        Author(s)       : S. Krishnan, et al.
        Filename        : draft-ietf-6man-exthdr-02.txt
        Pages           : 6
        Date            : 2011-03-14

In IPv6, optional internet-layer information is encoded in separate
headers that may be placed between the IPv6 header and the transport
layer header.  There are a small number of such extension headers
currently defined.  This document defines a format for defining new
IPv6 extension headers.

   I notice that Section 4 calls for TLV:
] ] 4. Proposed IPv6 Extension Header format ] ] This document proposes that all IPv6 extension headers be encoded in
]  a consistent TLV format so that it is possible for nodes to skip over
]  unknown extension headers and continue to further process the header
]  chain.

   But I don't see the equivalent of Section 4.2 of RFC 2460, specifying
the TLV format.

The T is the "Next Header", the L is the "Hdr Ext Len" and V is the "Header Specific Data" as specified in the figure in Section 4 of the draft.


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